Employee Evaluation Form Printable

Employee Evaluation Form Details

If you have many employees, sometimes you need to evaluate them. In this case, you should create an employee evaluation form. To make the effective one, it depends on your talent & business management needs.

Tips to Make Employee Evaluation Form

There are some guidelines you can follow to make sure that your employee performance evaluation form user-friendly. The most important thing is to keep it simple. Here, the instructions should be clear. You also need to provide examples to make the form easier to understand.

Besides that, you should also keep it familiar. It means you have to use corporate language for all aspects. Description is also needed. Then, you should gather information needed to achieve the goals. In fact, different employee evaluations may have different goals.

Employee evaluation template should also depend on specific job. So, you should provide the relevant, clear & appropriate descriptions. Besides, you may need to list the right leadership competencies of the job, not only the general list of the competencies.

Next, you must choose the most effective competency method. Mostly, people use 5-point scale to give the performance rate of competencies. However, some people like to use numerical rating of competencies or skill whereas some others prefer descriptive ratings. You can also mix them as well.

Do not forget to encourage smart goals. Here, specific & relevant descriptions are needed. Provide the goals as detailed as possible. Even more, sometimes you need to give example of the smart goals because they will be very useful.

Still related to evaluation form, you have to address the development needs both career and professional. In this case, you cannot forget to let space to identify & establish training goals. These function to improve performance.

In addition, sufficient space is also needed for feedback. So, the employees can give the feedback in specific and detailed. This is very helpful to improve and develop their performance. Make sure that the space is enough to write detailed comments.

To make an evaluation form, paper based form is not effective anymore. Now, it is better to create evaluation form using an Excel or Ms. Word template. It makes you easier to make the form. On the other side, the employees will also be easier to give the feedback.

How to Write Employee Evaluation Form

Many people are confused to start writing evaluation form. However, it is actually not difficult. The easiest way is to download free evaluation form on internet. In fact, there are many free samples available. You can choose the appropriate ones for your needs.

However, you can also write it by your own. If you have ever written it before, of course it is not confusing. However, you may need some examples if this is the first time you write it. The tips above will be very useful to start writing this form.

Employee evaluation form is needed when you are not satisfied with the performance of your employees. This form will help them improve and even develop their performance by knowing the performance rating.

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# File File size Downloads
1 Performance Employee Evaluation Form 67 KB 374
2 Printable Employee Evaluation Form 29 KB 308
3 Restaurant Employee Evaluation Form 329 KB 301
4 Retail Evaluation Form 182 KB 329
5 Salary Employee Evaluation Form 76 KB 605
6 Sample Employee Evaluation Form 8 KB 287
7 Software Employee Evaluation Form 38 KB 268
8 Technical Employee Evaluation 431 KB 290
9 Temporary Employee Evaluation Form (1) 79 KB 273
10 Temporary Employee Evaluation Form 64 KB 287
11 Warehouse Staff Performance Appraisal 19 KB 293
12 90 Day Probationary Evaluation 84 KB 327
13 Accounting Assistant Secretary 104 KB 287
14 Administrative Employee Performance Evaluation Form 457 KB 321
15 Annual Employee Evaluation Form 109 KB 276
16 Annual Performance Appraisal Form 16 KB 275
17 Civil Service Employee Performance Evaluation 1 MB 279
18 Construction Contractor Evaluation Form 39 KB 288
19 Customer Service Employee Evaluation Form 264 KB 329
20 Employee Assessment Form 2 MB 312
21 Employee Evaluation Checklist 8 KB 276
22 Employee Evaluation Form 31 KB 285
23 Employee Evaluation Form 75 KB 278
24 Employee Evaluation Form Example 73 KB 279
25 Employee Evaluation Form templates 24 KB 262
26 Employee Evaluation Form to 516 KB 292
27 Employee Evaluation Form 636 KB 268
28 Employee Performance Evaluation Form 14 KB 275
29 Employee Performance Evaluation 15 KB 351
30 Employee Performance Review1 85 KB 283
31 Employee Self Evaluation Form 245 KB 266
32 Employee Work Evaluation Form 111 KB 260
33 Evaluation of Supervisor 37 KB 301
34 Example of Employee Evaluation Form 15 KB 282
35 Human Resources Employee Evaluation Form 82 KB 403
36 Manager Performance Evaluation 138 KB 267
37 Medical Assistant Evaluation 54 KB 267
38 New Employee Performance Evaluation Form 198 KB 261
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