200+ Magazine Templates to Create Your Own Publication


Have you ever considered creating a magazine for personal or professional use? If so, you may want to explore using magazine templates as an easy and effective way to bring your vision to life. With many professionally designed templates, you can create a polished and visually appealing magazine without spending countless hours on design. 

However, with so many templates and platforms available, choosing the right one for your needs can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide covering everything you need to know about buying and effectively using magazine templates. From understanding the different types of templates and platforms available to tips for designing and customizing your magazine, this guide has covered you. So why wait? Start exploring the world of magazine templates today and bring your publication dreams to life!

Designing a Magazine From Scratch: The Comprehensive Guide

Launching a new magazine is an exciting and rewarding adventure that requires careful planning, attention to detail, and strategic design choices. Our comprehensive guide provides all the information you need to create a visually stunning print or digital magazine that captivates your audience. You’ll learn about establishing a compelling brand identity, structuring your content, and designing eye-catching layouts that make your magazine stand out.

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We’ll show you how to optimize images and typography for maximum impact and guide you through the final production process, printing options, and distribution strategies to ensure your magazine reaches your target audience and achieves your desired goals. Whether you are an experienced publisher or a first-time magazine creator, our guide offers valuable insights and practical tools to bring your magazine vision to life. We’re excited to share this resource with you and can’t wait to see the fantastic magazine you create!

Define the Magazine’s Identity and Concept

The first steps in developing a new magazine lay the foundation for the look, feel, and subject matter.

Establish the Editorial Mission

Start by clearly defining what the magazine is about and who it will serve. Consider elements like:

  • Target audience and demographics like age groups, location, gender, interests, etc.
  • Subject matter covered – is it general interest or niche?
  • Tone and voice – serious, humorous, informal, etc.
  • Frequency of publication – weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.
  • Differentiating unique selling proposition

This mission statement will drive decisions moving forward.

Select the Title

The magazine’s title makes a solid first impression. A title should:

  • Align with the magazine’s subject matter and tone
  • Be unique enough to stand out on the newsstand
  • Have meaning and relevance to the target reader
  • Be short, memorable, and evocative
  • Translate well digitally if required

Design a Brand Identity and Logo

A logo provides an anchor for visual branding. Consider making the logo:

  • Representative of the magazine concept
  • Complementary to the magazine name
  • Adaptable for digital use on icons
  • Distinct from competitors
  • Graphically exciting and able to be read at small sizes

Logos often incorporate stylized types, iconic graphics, monograms, illustrated elements, or symbols.

Choose a Color Palette

Select 2-4 colours that will form the core palette for your magazine across print and digital. Take into account:

  • Colors that align with your subject matter, tone, and genre
  • Visually complementary hues, techniques, and contrastsColourss that print well on your planned paper stock
  • Palettes that competitors don’t overuse
  • Accessible colour combos for digital and apps

Determine Typographic Style

Typography significantly impacts a magazine’s personality. Consider:

  • Display/headline fonts – elegant serifs like Bodoni or Caslon or modern sans-serifs
  • Text/body fonts – readable serifs or sans-serifs with multiple weights
  • Accent fonts for pull quotes, captions, etc.
  • Type hierarchy – sizes, weights, and styles for differentiation
  • Combining typefaces – complementaries like serifs with sans-serifs

Structure the Magazine Format and Content

Once you’ve defined the framing identity, structure the magazine format and content plan.

Select Print or Digital Format

Key factors:

  • Budget – digital is more cost-effective, and print has higher production values
  • Distribution – image for newsstand sales, digital for flexibility
  • Reader experience – tactile impression vs multimedia digital
  • Production timeline – digital is faster, the idea requires more lead time

Map Out Sections and Features

Outline the standard sections and features that will anchor each issue, for example:

  • Opening pages – Letter from the editor, table of contents, contributors
  • Front of book – Short items like editor’s letter, mini-features, news roundup
  • Central well – Longform features and core content
  • Back of book – Departments, reviews, advice columns, etc
  • Closing pages – Endnotes, staff listing, parting thoughts
  • Special advertising sections – Fashion, food, travel, autos, technology

Structure the Editorial Calendar

I am thrilled to share some valuable insights about production timelines with you! Digital media is known to be faster than print media, so it’s essential to keep that in mind when planning your timelines. While print media requires additional lead time to ensure everything is printed and delivered on time, digital media offers a quicker turnaround time. 

When mapping out the sections and features of a publication, it’s essential to be thoughtful and organized. One helpful tip is to outline the standard areas and features that will be included. This approach ensures that all necessary information is covered clearly and concisely. The sections and features may vary depending on the publication type, but some common ones include a table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion, and references. Additionally, images, graphs, charts, and tables can be included to provide visual aids and enhance the reader’s understanding of the content. I hope you find this information helpful!

Integrate Advertising Strategically

Planning your timelines is crucial to ensure a successful project execution. When dealing with print media, it is vital to consider the additional lead time required to ensure everything is printed and delivered on time. However, due to its efficient production process, digital media can offer a quicker turnaround time.

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When mapping out your project timeline, it is vital to consider the specific requirements of your media plan. Print media requires careful planning and execution, as any delays in production or delivery can impact the overall success of your project. On the other hand, digital media offers more flexibility and can be produced and delivered quickly, allowing for a faster turnaround time.

Design Striking Cover Concepts

A magazine’s cover is prime real estate to capture the reader’s attention.

Conceptualise Dramatic Images

Identify visually arresting photographs, illustrations, or graphics that will stop scrolling and browsing. Images should:

  • Correlate to cover lines and interior content
  • Have movement, bold use of colour or compelling subjects
  • Fit your magazine’s style and identity
  • Feel special and unique

Craft Intriguing Cover Lines

Write cover lines that create curiosity and hint at what’s inside. Effective cover lines:

  • Use active, vivid language – verbs and specific details
  • Target the magazine’s core audience
  • Relate to (but don’t give away) feature stories
  • Attract attention through positioning, colour and scale

Develop Visual Hierarchy

Being thoughtful, organized, and well-prepared is crucial when publishing any written work. One helpful tip to achieve this is to create a clear and comprehensive outline that includes all the standard sections and features necessary for your publication. This approach ensures you get all the details and elements required for your work to succeed. By carefully planning and structuring your journal, you can increase the chances of it being well-received and achieving your desired outcome.

Incorporate Special Treatments Judiciously

Congratulations on your upcoming publications! I’m thrilled to offer some tips to help ensure your success. Paying attention to every detail and element is critical, as it can prevent any crucial information from being overlooked. With a thorough approach, you’ll be able to identify all the necessary features and requirements and meet all the required standards for success. I’m confident that with your talent and dedication, your publications will be nothing short of outstanding. Best of luck on your journey!

Craft Engaging Page Layouts

A magazine’s interior page design brings stories to life and creates an immersive reading experience.

Establish an Underlying Grid

Grids create order, lend continuity across stories and provide structure to place elements. Common options:

  • Column grids – 2-6 columns. More columns enable flexible arrangements.
  • Modular grids – blocks/modules of space instead of uniform columns
  • Hierarchical – varying page zones instead of consistent columns

Balance Positive and Negative Space

Information is crucial in today’s world and needs to be communicated clearly and concisely. Depending on the type of publication, there may be different sections and features that vary in their level of importance and relevance. However, regardless of the format or medium used, it is essential to present information in a way that is easily understood and accessible to the intended audience. Proper information communication can make all the difference in achieving the desired outcome or goal.

Interweave Visual and Written Content

The importance of independence in different fields varies depending on the level of impact and relevance. Regardless of the format or medium used, presenting information clearly and concisely is crucial for effective communication. Proper presentation of data allows for better understanding, analysis, and decision-making. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the production of information considers the intended audience and the purpose of the communication.

Develop Visual Contrast

Vary scale, colours, shapes, positions, styles and space around elements to differentiate content hierarchy from dominant images to minor captions.

Craft Compelling Page Turns

Use visual cliffhangers, shifts in layout, dramatic images or bold typography to propel the reader across spreads. Maintain continuity, too.

Maintain Consistent Design Elements

Recurring items like headings, page footers, page numbers, section openers, etc., should retain a consistent look across various stories to unify each issue.

Select and Showcase Striking Photography

Imagery is vital to bringing stories to life in an engaging magazine.

Sourcing Photographs

Options for sourcing quality photographs include:

  • Commissioning photo shoots
  • Working with professional photographer partners
  • Licensing stock photos
  • Using image banks and wire services
  • Securing image rights for pieces like fine art

Cropping for Maximum Impact

Strategic cropping can amplify the mood, drama and composition of a photo. Always crop non-destructively in case the image needs to be repurposed.

Placement and Size

The size, placement and angle of photos influence their interpretation. Bleed images feel immersive, while insets focus attention. Mix full, half and quarter-page arrangements.

Image Enhancement

Subtle image adjustments like colour correction, contrast, dodge, and burn can maximize an image’s visual appeal. But avoid excessive filtering or manipulation.

Informative Captions

Include detailed captions identifying people, places and contexts. Captions should enhance, not repeat, information in accompanying articles.

Illustrating Stories Creatively

Illustrations provide expansive possibilities for visualizing concepts, illuminating data, explaining complex information, and bringing whimsy to stories.

Hiring Illustrators

Develop relationships with diverse illustrators aligned to your magazine’s style – whether modern digital, classic hand-drawn or photo-based. Provide direction, references and compensation guidelines.

Illustration in Context

Illustrations shouldn’t feel randomly placed. Integrate them purposefully into layouts and articles through size, frames and proximity to relevant text.

Expanding on Text

Illustrations can spotlight interesting elements called out in stories or elaborate on topics that text alone can’t fully capture.

Explaining Complexity

Charts, graphs, diagrams, maps and other data visualizations distil complex information into digestible visual formats.

Adding Whimsy

Illustrations can bring playfulness to stories through caricatures, mashups, unexpected juxtapositions and pop culture references.

Perfecting Typography for Readability

Typography is crucial for readability, clarity and flair. Follow accepted conventions and best practices:

Limiting Font Choices

For cohesion across hundreds of pages, limit main text fonts to one serif and one sans-serif, complemented by accent fonts. Avoid excessive varieties.

Strategic Font Pairing

Combine display and text fonts with contrast styles but similarities in x-height, counters and letter shapes. This creates balance.

Directing the Reader’s Eye

Establish hierarchy through deliberate choices in type, size, colour and weight. For example, chapter titles in large bold serif fonts versus body text in a smaller weight of the same serif.

Tracking and Kerning

Loosen tracking on body copy for better readability. A tight search works for headlines. Kern judiciously adjusts awkward letter pairings.

Colour and Effects with Purpose

Use colour deliberately on a critical text, like pull quotes, not indiscriminately. Effects like italics, caps, underline, etc., should have specific meaning.

Preparing Files for Printing and Production

Preparing files for printing requires meticulous quality control and press preparation:

Verify Resolution and Color

If you need to create visual content for your project, there are several ways to obtain high-quality photos. You can commission a photoshoot with a professional photographer, work with a partner specialising in photography, license stock photos from a reputable provider, or use image banks offering various images. 

Collection Links and Fonts

Gather all links used into one folder. Embed printer fonts and outline viewer fonts.

Impose and Proof Pages

Arrange pages strategically for binding and print folding. Carefully proof for image quality, page order, bleeds, trim marks and colour.

Choose Paper Stock

When choosing the right font for your written work, it is crucial to consider several factors, such as the purpose of your writing, your target audience, the style you want to convey, and your budget. Each font has unique characteristics that can affect your message’s readability, tone, and overall impact. 

Set Up Color Management

Understand printer colour spaces and create profiles. Calibrate monitors. Embed or attach shapes to files as specified.

Export Print-Ready Files

Export PDF/X files with the right presets, bleeds, marks and visible trim boxes. Provide native InDesign files, too.

Planning Distribution and Launch

Getting the magazine out into the world is the final step:

Finalize Sales and Distribution

The size, placement and angle of photos play a significant role in how viewers perceive and interpret them. For instance, bleed images extending beyond the edge of a page often create a sense of immersion and depth, while insets positioned within the central idea capture the viewer’s attention and highlight a specific detail. A mix of full-page, half-page and smaller illustrations can add visual interest and create a dynamic layout. By carefully considering the size, placement and angle of photos, designers can effectively guide the viewer’s eye and enhance the overall impact of the visuals.

Create a Launch Plan and Timeline

The plot targeted advertising and PR outreach, release events, promotions and contests leading up to launch.

Set Up Reader Feedback Channels

Establish ways for readers to provide feedback through social media, surveys, events, the company website, etc. Monitor engagement metrics.

Plot Future Issues in Advance

Ideally, much of the content for the following 1-2 issues should be planned before the current issue launches. This ensures continuity from point to problem.

Meticulous planning and attention to detail across all facets outlined here allow you to bring a polished, visually engaging new magazine to life – from initial concept to fully realized published product. Use this comprehensive guide as a roadmap to launch your publication successfully.



Reasons to Use Magazine Templates

Here are some of the key benefits of using pre-made templates to create your magazine instead of designing from scratch:

Save Time and Effort

Building a magazine layout and design requires specific visual design and technical skills. High-quality templates have done that work for you. With a template, you can skip straight to adding your content.

Professional, Polished Look

Experienced graphic designers have laid out magazine templates to look visually cohesive and appealing. Templates give your magazine a professional edge from the start.

Flexible Customization

While templates provide the core structure and design, you can customize colours, fonts and branding elements. This allows you to put your spin on the template.

User-Friendly Editing

Leading template services make it easy for anyone to edit and manage their magazine without design expertise. Web interfaces and tools simplify the editing process.

Cost Effective

Commissioning a custom magazine design costs thousands. High-quality templates provide excellent design at a fraction of the cost.

For hobbyists, small business owners and independent publishers, magazine templates provide an affordable way to produce a professional-level publication.

Types of Magazine Templates

There are a few main types of magazine templates available from various providers:

Print Magazine Templates

Print magazine templates are designed to have a multi-page layout optimized for printing. The pages are meticulously crafted with trim lines and bleed setup, essential for professional printing.

The templates usually comprise a front and back cover, table of contents, editor’s letter, feature articles, columns, and other essential sections of a complete magazine. The layout of the templates is carefully thought out to provide a seamless reading experience, and the design elements are carefully chosen to complement the magazine’s content. Print magazine templates are a comprehensive solution for creating professional-looking and well-designed magazines.

Digital Magazine Templates

Digital magazine templates are specifically created to provide an engaging and immersive reading experience on digital devices. The layout is designed to optimize vertical scrolling, which enables seamless navigation and smooth transitions between pages. 

These templates come equipped with interactive elements like hyperlinks and multimedia content, allowing readers to engage with the content more meaningfully. Additionally, digital ads can be seamlessly integrated into the layout, making them a valuable tool for advertisers looking to reach a wider audience.

News Magazine Templates

Are you in search of top-notch templates for your news and editorial content? Look no further! Consider using layouts customized for newspapers, newsletters, and online magazines. These templates are expertly crafted to optimize text-heavy pages, with multiple columns that make reading a breeze. They also come equipped with photo slots and infographic elements to add a visual touch, making your content more captivating and appealing to your readers. Impress your audience with professional-looking news and editorial content to grab their attention. Don’t settle for less when you can take your content to the next level with these templates. Trust us, your readers will thank you!

Minimal and Clean Layouts

Some templates have simple, minimalist layouts focused on clean organization and readability. These give you the flexibility to showcase visuals and content.

Creative and Modern Layouts

Other templates have bold colours, creative typography and modern graphical elements. These eye-catching layouts add visual interest and draw attention.

Consider what type of tone and style you want for your magazine when selecting templates. Browse template sites to get a sense of your options.

Questions to Ask When Buying Templates

What file formats do the templates use?

Print templates should be layered, editable files like Adobe InDesign or Photoshop. Online templates will use HTML/CSS. This affects your editing capabilities.

How many layouts/pages are included?

More pages give you room for articles, departments, sections, etc. Check if issue and volume templates are available for ongoing publishing.

What are the resolution specs for images?

Print templates will specify a minimum 300 dpi image resolution for best reproduction. Lower 72 dpi works for digital.

How many photos/visuals are included?

Templates with quality stock photos and graphics save you time hunting for visuals later.

Is copy content included?

Some templates include placeholder “lorem ipsum” text. Others require you to add all copies. See what’s provided.

What editing/publishing tools are available?

User-friendly editing and management features simplify production.

Does the provider offer any additional services?

Added services like free image access, e-commerce integration or printing services add value.

What licensing or copyrights apply?

Templates likely have licensing terms on how they can be used commercially. Understand any restrictions.

What type of technical/customer support is offered?

Look for responsive technical support in case you need help using the templates.

Where to Buy Quality Magazine Templates

Many sources exist for purchasing professional magazine templates. Here are some top options to consider:

Adobe InDesign Templates

InDesign is the industry standard design software for print layout. Skilled graphic designers sell InDesign magazine templates through marketplaces like GraphicRiver and TemplateMonster.

Magazine Publishing Platforms

Are you interested in creating your online magazine? Look no further! MagLoft and PageTurnPro are here to help you! With their services, you can easily access professional downloadable templates, tools and hosting all in one place. Don’t wait any longer to bring your ideas to life – start publishing your online magazine today!

Stock Template Sites

If you’re looking for various high-quality templates, you might want to check out popular template marketplaces such as Creative Market and Envato. These large-scale platforms offer an extensive selection of templates that cater to various needs and requirements.

Individual Designers

Talented designers sell templates through their sites. Search Etsy, Behance and more to find unique styles. Check reviews.

Free Templates

Limited free templates are available on sites like NPTech, LucidPress and FreeCSS. Quality varies.

When buying, prioritize reputable sources with positive reviews. Browse template samples and previews first. Prices range widely from $10-$100+ depending on complexity.

Using Magazine Templates on Key Platforms

Once you’ve purchased templates, they need to be edited and published. Here are some of the most popular platforms used:

Adobe InDesign

This print design software works with downloadable. INDD templates. Excellent for multi-page print magazines. We have an advanced learning curve.

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop’s layers enable detailed customizations. Best for single cover templates or visual editing. It also requires design expertise.

Web Editors

Hosted web platforms from template providers allow easy online editing and publishing. It is very user-friendly but has less flexibility.


Self-hosted WordPress sites work with some downloadable. PSD templates—potential learning curve. Many plug-ins add functions.

Apple Pages, Publisher, etc.

Desktop publishing apps like Apple Pages and Microsoft Publisher may be compatible with specific templates. Check file types.

Ideally, choose user-friendly tools that match your skill level. Simpler online platforms require less design know-how to publish an essential magazine. Advanced programs like InDesign offer more power for pros.

Critical Tips for Editing and Customizing Templates

Once templates are purchased and loaded into your preferred editing platform, you can add your content and style. Follow these tips:

Work From a Content Plan

Develop a high-level outline of sections and articles first. This makes populating the templates more accessible.

Review Branding Guidelines

Note colours, fonts, and logo placement rules from your brand guide. Customize templates accordingly.

Change Color Schemes and Typography

Alter colours and fonts consistently across templates to create cohesive branding.

Swap and Enhance Images

Replace placeholder visuals with photos that align with your content and aesthetics.

Modify Layout and Elements

Resize, remove or add sections, text boxes, and graphic elements as needed for your content.

Add Interactive Items

Include links, buttons and multimedia for digital magazines. Enhance engagement.

Update Text Layout

Reformatting and moving text around improves readability as you populate articles.

Check Formatting and Spacing

Review line heights, indents, margins and alignment for consistency.

Proofread Content Closely

Thoroughly proofread all text you add to avoid errors going unnoticed.

Following brand guidelines and checking formatting will ensure your custom magazine looks polished.

Case Studies Using Magazine Templates Effectively

To see magazine templates in action, here are some real-world examples:

Little Thoughts Magazine by Dialexa

  • A creative digital magazine highlighting company culture and stories
  • Modern, visual template from PageTurnPro
  • Links to individual employee profiles and articular articles for interactivity

SoMag by Society Publishing

  • Print publication focusing on social good groups
  • Classic news magazine layout using Adobe InDesign
  • Clean sections make info easy to digest

NSRC Magazine by NSRCEL

  • Promotes entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Bold, colorful Adobe InDesign template
  • Packed with photos and quotes for visual appeal

Crave Local Magazine

  • Quarterly print city guide
  • Minimalist, consistent InDesign template
  • Focused entirely on curated neighbourhood content

Browse other real magazines for more templates and design inspiration. Analyze how visuals, copy, branding and layout all come together.

Critical Takeaways for Buying and Using Templates

  • Magazine templates provide professional design without the high costs of custom creation.
  • Choose template styles and features that fit your publication’s tone, format and purpose.
  • Prioritize templates from reputable sources that give you room for customization.
  • Edit carefully and consistently to make the end product feel like your own.
  • Take advantage of digital and print distribution channels to reach your ideal readership.

Producing a magazine that positions you as an authority in your niche and engages your audience is achievable with the proper templates and strategy. By focusing on creating excellent content, the professionally designed foundation becomes the backbone of your publication.


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