100+ Professional Catalog Template for Your Business

How to Create a Professional Catalog Template for Your Business

Businesses rely on catalog as a crucial marketing tool to showcase their products and services. An efficiently designed record is a one-stop shop for customers to browse and purchase quickly. It is essential to have a consistent template in place that is aligned with your brand’s identity and messaging to ensure that your catalog effectively communicates your brand’s value proposition and product offerings on every page. This consistency guarantees that your catalog builds customer trust and boosts your brand’s credibility.

 Begin the process of creating a polished catalog by first choosing a layout that is not only visually attractive but also user-friendly. The design should be versatile enough to cater to various categories and types of products. Next, select a font style that is easy to read and reflects your brand’s character while using different sizes and style variations to create a visual hierarchy for emphasizing essential details.

T shirt Catalog templates Example

 Imagery is also a critical element in your catalog. Using high-quality product images consistent in style and tone can enhance the customer’s experience and help them visualize the product better. Make sure to showcase your products from different angles and in various settings to give customers a complete understanding of what they are buying.

 Crafting a catalog necessitates the creation of equally important product descriptions. Your descriptions should be brief but informative, emphasizing the benefits and features of each product. Use language that connects with your intended audience and addresses their wants and needs.

 Selecting the Right Format

The first step is deciding on the correct format for your catalog. Print and digital catalogs have different page dimensions, layouts, and design considerations.

Print Catalog Format

For a print catalog, the standard sizes are:

  • Letter size: 8.5″ x 11″
  • Legal size: 8.5″ x 14″
  • A4 size: 8.27″ x 11.69″

Some benefits of a print catalog include:

  • Customers can tangibly hold and flip through pages
  • Print media stands out amidst digital content
  • Can be mailed directly to customer’s homes

Some drawbacks are:

  • Production and mailing costs
  • Difficult to update frequently
  • Limited ability to showcase multimedia content

Digital Catalog Format

For a digital catalog, these are standard formats:

  • PDF
  • Website
  • Mobile app

Benefits of a digital catalog:

  • Lower production costs
  • Ability to update content frequently
  • Add multimedia content like video and audio
  • Track analytics on engagement

Potential drawbacks:

  • Lack of physical interaction
  • Requires customer to view catalog digitally
  • Screen limitations on mobile

Consider your brand, products, target audience, and resources when deciding on print, digital, or both.

Creating a Catalog Layout

Wow, you’re already taking the first steps towards creating a fantastic catalog! One important thing to consider is the layout. Don’t worry, though; with thoughtful planning, you can achieve a professional and polished look. By creating a consistent structure, you’ll strategically arrange the different elements of the catalog in a visually pleasing way. This way, your catalog will capture the reader’s attention and effectively communicate your intended message. We’re confident that with your attention to detail, your catalog will be a huge success!

Interior Design Catalog templates Sample

Sections to Include

These are standard catalog sections to incorporate:

  • Cover: This is the very first page customers see. Include branding, compelling imagery, and catalog title.
  • Table of Contents: Number and list all catalog sections and product categories. Allow customers to navigate the catalog easily.
  • Introduction: Briefly describe your company, products/services, and brand promise here. Images and graphics can also help convey who you are.
  • Shop by Category: Break down products into identifiable categories like clothing type, room in the home, etc. Title each section.
  • Featured Products: Showcase best-selling or new-release products customers should know about.
  • New Arrivals: Highlight products recently added to your catalog. Create excitement for new inventory.
  • Product Listings: The bulk of your catalog will display product images, names, descriptions, specs, pricing, etc. Organize by category.
  • Policies: State shipping, returns, privacy, and other procedures for transparency.
  • About Us: Share your company history, values, and achievements. Builds credibility.
  • Contact Information: Phone, address, email, social media, and other customer contact methods.

Layout Elements

Incorporate these visual elements for a polished layout:

  • Page numbers – Number all pages consecutively so customers can orient themselves
  • Bleeds – Images or colors that extend past page margins for a full-page look
  • Margins – 0.5-1 inch margins around page edges for sufficient white space
  • Gutter margins – Extra 0.5 inch inside margins to account for binding
  • Columns – Multiple columns add organization and make pages more scannable
  • White space – Blank areas to prevent clutter and direct eye flow
  • Consistent header/footer – Title, page numbers, or logo at page top/bottom
  • Infographics – Visual representations of data like charts, graphs, maps
  • Product grid – Evenly spaced rows/columns to display product visuals
  • Icons – Supplement written content with explanatory symbols and illustrations

Mix and match these elements to reinforce your brand style. Maintain the layout structure across all catalog pages.

Selecting Typography

Once you have completed the initial design of your catalog, it is crucial to shift your focus towards typography. This essential component can either enhance or detract from the structure. Typography refers to arranging fonts and typefaces to make content easy to read. It is necessary to follow some best practices to ensure that your catalog fonts are elegant and professional-looking.

To begin with, it is crucial to select a font that can be easily read. Avoid using fancy or decorative fonts that can be challenging to comprehend. Instead, use a straightforward, legible font, even in small sizes.

Furthermore, maintain a consistent font hierarchy across your catalog. This implies that you should have a transparent system for distinguishing between headings, subheadings, and body text. For instance, you could use bold and larger font sizes for titles and regular font sizes for body text.

Wholesale Catalog Design PSD

Lastly, carefully spacing your letters, words, and lines. Adequate spacing can improve the readability and overall visual appeal of your typography. Ensure that your text is well-spaced and compact, and use appropriate line heights to guarantee that your text is easily accessible to the eyes.

Headlines and Titles

  • Use an eye-catching font to emphasize headings and product names.
  • Varied font weights, capitalization, sizes, and colors distinguish hierarchy.
  • It must be easy to read if styled decoratively.

Body Text

  • Choose a clean, simple, readable font for descriptions, policies, etc.
  • Use one font family and limit the number of sizes for consistency.
  • Larger size for introduction paragraphs, smaller for detailed text.
  • Leave sufficient line spacing between lines and paragraphs.


  • Use a clear, numerical font to convey pricing accurately.
  • Place in a consistent area on each product page, like the title below.
  • Make the size larger than the body text so it stands out.

Font Pairings

  • Combine both serif and sans-serif fonts for contrast.
  • Use at most 2-3 fonts total.
  • Ensure fonts work together through similar x-heights, weights, and spacing.


  • Vary font sizes strategically rather than using all one length.
  • Larger for headings, smaller for body text and captions.
  • Use a modular scale to increase/decrease sizes mathematically.

Well-formatted typography makes your catalog content easy to digest. Keep choices consistent across all catalog pages.

Selecting Visual Assets

Compelling images and graphics grab customer attention in catalogs. Follow these tips for selecting assets:

Product Photos

  • True-to-life photos show details, scale, textures, and colors of products—the mix of angles and close-ups.
  • Consistent lighting, background, framing, and quality across all photos.
  • Remove logos, watermarks, or distracting props/backgrounds.

Lifestyle Photos

  • Show people actively engaging with the products in real-world settings.
  • Convey aspirational yet relatable scenarios aligned to target audience interests.
  • Feature a diversity of ages, ethnicities, body types, and genders.


  • Use these visuals to explain materials, sizing, care instructions, etc.
  • Infuse your brand personality through illustrated icons, symbols, and charts.
  • It must be simple enough to comprehend quickly.

Branding Assets

  • Include logo, color palette, brand fonts, patterns, and other assets to reinforce brand identity.
  • Showcase uniformly on the cover, header, footer, graphics, borders, backgrounds, and overlays.

Curating a mix of quality product shots, lifestyle photos, graphics, and branding visuals will make for an engaging catalog.

Crafting Product Descriptions

The words used to describe products are just as crucial as images to convey what the item is, why customers want it, and what makes it unique.

Key Elements

  • Name – Clear, descriptive name capturing the essence of the product
  • Details – Size, dimensions, materials, colors, configurations, care instructions
  • Uses and Benefits – How and why the product can be helpful to and valuable for customers
  • Features – Standout qualities that differentiate from competitors
  • Story – Any exciting story or history customers would find intriguing

Helpful Tips

  • Use a conversational, friendly tone and avoid overly formal or technical language.
  • Highlight benefits most relevant to the target audience’s interests and needs.
  • Include any essential specifications like materials, capacities, etc.
  • Balance useful information with engaging storytelling.
  • Use descriptive adjectives and phrases to paint a picture.
  • Convey the unique value proposition setting your product apart.
  • Add subtle branded word choices to reinforce positioning.

Writing compelling yet concise descriptions requires skill. Bring products to life on the page for customers to connect with.

Establishing Brand Voice and Tone

We’re excited to share that our catalog will offer more than just product descriptions. You can expect to find a wealth of information, from general company details to category-specific features and helpful instructions. Consistency is key, as we want to convey our brand’s values and personality to our audience through every piece of content. We’re confident that this approach will help us connect better with our customers and build stronger relationships.


This reflects your brand personality, including:

  • Perspective – Use first-person “we” or second-person “you” point of view.
  • Pronouns – Our, your, I, them, etc.
  • Language Style – Conversational, informal, professional, playful, witty, reserved, academic, etc.


This conveys brand attitude and values through word choice:

  • Confident – Assert expertise and command of subject matter. Use strong language.
  • Informative – The goal is to educate. Share meaningful context.
  • Friendly – Build connection through warmth and relationship.
  • Witty – Entertain readers with humor when appropriate.
  • Passionate – Excitement for your company’s purpose shines through.
  • Inspiring – Motivate and empower readers. Uplifting language.

Align voice and tone consistently across all catalog touchpoints. This strengthens brand identity and forges customer relationships.


Following Catalog Design Best Practices

Pulling together all these elements into one cohesive catalog requires thoughtful design. Keep these best practices in mind:


  • Make catalog titles prominent and reflective of offerings.
  • Include eye-catching imagery or graphical patterns.
  • Limit cover content to title, branding, and impactful image/graphic.


  • Organize products from broad categories to specific items.
  • Find natural breaks to divide sections based on category, usage, and season.
  • Use white space, dividers, bleeds, infographics, and fonts to differentiate sections.


  • Maintain consistent page layout, grids, fonts, colors, and branding across all pages.
  • Repeat stylistic elements like headers, page numbers, borders, and backgrounds.
  • Use a unified image style to tie the catalog together visually.


  • Break up dense text with section headings, space, bulleted lists, and bolded keywords.
  • Make it easy to scan and jump to desired products or info quickly.
  • Ensure key details are quickly understandable at a glance.


  • Alternate between text-heavy and image-heavy pages to vary visual pacing.
  • Use compelling imagery at the start and end of each section.
  • Carefully control information density and white space.

With these fundamentals, you can artfully assemble a catalog that aesthetically reinforces your brand.

Optimizing Catalog Structure for Usability

Creating a smooth and enjoyable browsing experience for your customers should be a top priority when it comes to structuring your catalog’s information architecture. By effectively organizing your product content, you can ensure that your customers can easily navigate and interact with your catalog. To achieve this, it’s important to create a logical and straightforward structure that is easy to follow. Intuitive navigation menus and filters can help users quickly find the information they need, making their shopping experience more efficient and enjoyable. It’s also critical to ensure that your product information is accurate, up-to-date, and easy to understand. Misleading or incorrect information can lead to a negative customer experience, so it’s essential to pay attention to the details. When you prioritize user-friendliness and a positive experience for your customers, you build trust and loyalty that can benefit your business in the long run.

  • Group products intuitively into categories and segments that make sense from a customer perspective.
  • Order groups and products logically based on seasonality, usage, style, color, price, etc.
  • Have a transparent, consistent labeling system for identifying categories.

Intuitive Layout

  • Ensure the layout visually directs eye flow from general product groups to specific items.
  • Use section dividers, headers, imagery, and fonts to differentiate categories.
  • Number pages and provide a detailed table of contents linking to each section.

Scannable Design

  • Break up dense text with paragraph breaks, bullets, and bolded fonts.
  • Present information in easy-to-scan sections with ample white space.
  • Include images, icons, charts, diagrams, and symbols for visual relief.

Prominent Calls-to-Action

  • Use clear buttons, links, and banner ads to prompt engagement.
  • Place CTAs strategically near products you want to promote.
  • Craft compelling copy and highlight with color, size, and borders to draw attention.

Mobile Optimization

  • Simplify layout, navigation, fonts, and imagery for small screens if the catalog will be viewed on smartphones.
  • Expand tap targets for buttons and include separate mobile CTA links.

Catalog organization and presentation dramatically impact usability. Ensure customers intuitively grasp your content.

Choosing Environmentally Responsible Materials

It is of utmost importance to ensure that the production of catalogs is in line with a brand’s values, given the increasing awareness and significance of corporate social responsibility. As consumers become more conscious of the environmental and societal impact of their purchases, it is imperative for businesses to adopt sustainable and ethical practices in their production processes. 


This involves considering factors such as sourcing of materials, production methods, and waste disposal to minimize the ecological footprint. Additionally, businesses should prioritize ethical labor practices, fair wages, and safe working conditions to promote social responsibility. By making these conscious choices, businesses can ensure that their production aligns with their brand values and meets the expectations of their socially conscious customers.


  • Maximize recycled content. FSC certification ensures responsible forestry.
  • Alternative fiber papers like bagasse, hemp, wheat straw, or bamboo have lower impacts.
  • If offering print-on-demand, use acid-free, chlorine-free paper.


  • Use vegetable-based or low-VOC inks to minimize toxins: soy, sunflower, and other plant-derived options.
  • Look for inks certified by the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership.


  • Avoid UV/plastic coatings. Use recyclable, aqueous, or biodegradable options instead.
  • Laminates and varnishes make recycling difficult – skip if possible.


  • Work with local printers for low transportation miles. Ask about emissions controls.
  • Look for zero-waste manufacturing processes. Encourage paper waste recycling.


  • Offer the initial version as a default option to limit printing.
  • If shipping print catalogs, use recycled packaging materials like cardboard vs. foam inserts.

Being thoughtful about sustainability elevates your brand and values.

Driving Customers from Catalog to Purchase

We believe that catalogs are an invaluable resource for introducing your products to your ideal customers, highlighting the unique features and benefits that set your offerings apart. With the right approach, your catalog can be a powerful sales tool that motivates potential customers to take action and ultimately make a purchase. To unlock the full potential of your catalog, it’s important to optimize every aspect of its content. This means crafting compelling descriptions, using high-quality images that showcase your products in the best possible light, and organizing the content in a way that helps readers make informed decisions. With a little time and effort, you can create a catalog that not only drives sales, but also fosters strong relationships with your customers and grows your business in exciting new ways. Let’s get started!

Compelling Copy

  • Use vivid descriptions emphasizing customer benefits and value.
  • Incorporate keywords customers associate with products like “durable” or “luxurious.”
  • Share warranties, guarantees, and certifications that provide confidence.

Strategic Layout

  • Make shoppable categories and featured products prominently.
  • Place high-profit items at the front and back of the catalog for visibility.
  • Ensure product images are crisp and high-quality.

Clear Call-to-Actions

  • Include visible “Shop Now” or “Add to Cart” buttons next to products.
  • List website URLs, promo codes, and contact numbers to drive engagement.
  • Use contrasting colors, borders, and sizes to accentuate CTAs.


  • Spotlight sales promotions and discounts throughout pages.
  • Share coupon codes, bundles, contests, loyalty programs, and other incentives.

Minimal Friction

  • Provide multiple purchase channels – online, in-store, phone, etc.
  • Offer guest checkout and multiple payment methods.
  • Highlight free, fast shipping or in-store pickup options.

Reduce any friction in the journey from catalog discovery to transaction.

Testing and Iterating Your Catalog

Achieving success in catalog marketing requires a continuous optimization approach. It is essential to regularly test different concepts and strategies, analyze the results, and make informed refinements and improvements. This process involves scrutinizing every aspect of your catalog, from the layout and design to the product selection, pricing, and messaging. By doing so, you can identify what works best and what doesn’t and adjust your marketing efforts accordingly. This way, you can ensure that your catalog delivers the most significant possible ROI, and you are always performing at your best. In short, continuous optimization is the key to staying ahead in the highly competitive world of catalog marketing.

Survey Customers

  • Gather feedback through surveys, reviews, and conversations.
  • Ask what information they’d find helpful to include.
  • Inquire about desired formats, layouts, content, and offerings.

Analyze Metrics

  • Review website analytics to see which catalog links or products drive traffic and purchases.
  • For print, provide a unique URL or code to track response per catalog.
  • Monitor sales for new vs. existing products highlighted.

Make Iterations

  • Change catalog frequency based on the seasonality of your products and audience needs.
  • Rotate new products into featured pages and remove slower sellers.
  • Improve page layout, navigation, descriptions, and visuals based on feedback.

Automate Production

  • Use print-on-demand services to update and produce one-off catalogs quickly.
  • Maintain a catalog template you can refresh with new products and imagery regularly.

Continual improvement will ensure your catalog stays compelling, functional, and effective over the long run.



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