Dry Cleaning Flyer example psd design

Dry Cleaning Flyer Designs and Free Templates


Making dry cleaning flyer should be done when you are running the business. A lot of people do not do their laundry at home anymore these days. They just do not have time for it or they do not have enough space at home to do that. Lure them to your dry cleaning store by making great templates and promote the business. Use these templates down below to do that.

dry clean design psd

Dry Cleaning Flyer Essentials


What should be informed to people about your dry cleaning store? There are several of them, of course. The most important things to write on the dry cleaning flyer are going to be explained down below. Make sure you do read them before designing the flyer. When the flyer contents are proper and informative, it will bring numerous customers right to the front door.

  1. Address and Locations

There should be clear information about the address on the flyers. This is the most important part of the promotion as anyone reading the flyers should know where to find the location. This is the template should contain the space where you can write on the exact address of the business.


  1. The Price

No one wants to do their laundry and dry clean their clothes in an expensive place. This is why you should make sure that there will be price written on the flyers. When the price is inexpensive and interesting, there is no doubt that people will line in front of the store to do their laundry at your place.


Laundry Dry Cleaning Flyer Templates


Some people just do not care about the methods to clean their clothes. This is why they often go to dry cleaning store to do regular laundry and stuff. If your place has the service of cleaning off laundry, too, this dry cleaning flyer template over here should be great to announce and promote your place to the surrounding neighborhood.


Professional Dry Cleaning Flyer Templates


To make the dry cleaning store as professional-looking as possible, the flyer should be designed in that way, too. This is the template you can use for free in order to make the flyers. It can be used with ease using Photoshop and the result will be absolutely stunning and satisfying.


The Laundromat Dry Cleaning Flyer Templates


If the dry cleaning store has the concept as a laundromat, this is the template that you can use for the flyers. Download the template and then load it on Photoshop. The PSD template over here is easier to open and won’t give you hard time in editing it into ready-to-distribute flyers.

 dry clean template example

psd dry clean template



There is no doubt that making a great flyer will make sure that the business is going to be well-promoted. This is why the flyers up above are all essentials. Considering a dry cleaning store business is not the kind of business that you can build overnight with small amount of money. Use those dry cleaning flyer templates to bring customers and keep the business going.

# File File size Downloads
1 dry clean design template 4 MB 295
2 dry clean template example 4 MB 301
3 psd dry clean template 4 MB 416
4 dry clean design ideas 1 MB 279
5 dry clean design psd 9 MB 310
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