Good customer service is a soul of any business. Customer service promotes your product, your service. They educate customer about your product, how good your product is, how reasonable the price is, the benefit they get if they buy or use your product and services. That’s why if you want to apply for CS position, customer service resume is absolutely important. To become a great customer service is not easy, since they have to face people every day, every time, with many faces of them, and also with so many characteristics that sometimes drive them insane. Communicating with customers seem like an art, you can be expert in it only in a day or a week training. You need many hours in communicating with customers.

Customer Service Resume Example
Tom Hanks
Address : Jalan Ir. Sutami. Surakarta. Central Java
Phone : 081232909470
Email :
Current Job : Customer Service Representative at XL Axiata
To achieve of higher level career in a Customer Service field at the biggest cellular provider in Indonesia, and one of the biggest cellular provider in Southeast Asia, and to find a new way in self-enrichment of my professional life.
- Highly motivated of customer care and relations, with more than ten years experiences in this sort of business.
- Result oriented with a reasonable approach
- Strong interpersonal skill with ability of sensing the various people with different background and many kinds of emotion.
- Hold TOEFL Certificate with score 550.
- Excellent in speaking in English
- Good at operating computer; Word, Power Point, Excel, and others.
- Mastering Dutch as a third language after Bahasa Indonesia and English
- Able to face a demonic situation and it into an icy calm situation
- Great in giving and constructing presentation if needed
- Can work either individual or team player.
- Love talking and sharing with people so that they feel comfortable
Work Experiences
Customer Service at XL Axiata, 2012-Present
- Provide detail and accurate information about the products to customer
- Handling customer’s complain and provide any solution needed based on the customer’s complain
- Achieve the target management by doing SOP
- Providing data customer in the form of slide show and present it in the weekly meeting
- Finding the prospective customer from many sources then to be followed up by the sales person
- Maintain communication with the customer and regularly ask their satisfaction about the product, and ask them if they get any problem or complain.
Waiter, 2010-2012
Pizza Hut Surakarta
- Deliver pizza to customer at the spot
- Deliver pizza to customer’s house
- Cook pizza based on customer’s order
- Explain to customer the menu and its detail
Sales Counter, 2006-2010
Indo Cellular Shop Surakarta
- Provide an excellent service about cellular phone to customer
- Explain any detail and benefit of cellular phone to customer
- Conduct exhibition in department store in order to meet target marketing
- Handling complain from the customer about the cellular phone
- Take care of customer who want to claim their phone guarantee.
SMA 5 Surakarta 2002-2005
- Dutch Language Course
- Computer Course
- General English Training
- Pizza Hut Chef Training
- Vivo and Oppo product knowledge Training
- Customer Service Training
- Public Speaking Training
Personal Information
- Married with one children
- Date Birth: 5/09/87
- Interest: military stuff, history, social issue, classic culinary, science fiction novel, martial art.
The Must Have Skills for Customer Service
- Persuasive Speaking Skills
Persuasion is the soul of customer service. If you fail to persuade the customer, you will lose half of your career, because they will tell to everyone about how bad you treat them. As a customer service, every day you will speak to hundreds of people with different characteristics, different manner, and sometimes different skill in understanding other’s speaking. In some cases, you cannot apply a certain persuasive skill to everyone. Very often, different person, should be handled with different speaking skill
- Empathy
Empathy is the ability put yourself in another’s shoes, and sometimes it is difficult. You have to be able to “translate” your customers’ emotion rather than being triggered of their anger. You have to be able to be “in them” during the call. Avoid asking personal question if it is not needed, like how many children they have, marital status, occupation, hobby, and others.
- Adaptability
If you work with people, just like customer service, you are blessed with totally different days. And of course you will get the different customer also. It is also the way how you treat differently for those who contacted you from phone, email, or even Whatsapp. As a customer service, flexibility is a must as long as you don’t break the rule. Don’t forget to come back to your SOP in handling customers. SOP is your key, your map in handling every customers’ cases
- Positive Language
Whatever customers’ language when they contacted you, keep calm and still use your positive language. Remember that the main duty of customer service is take over customers’ problem. They call you means they have problem. Avoid using bad language or even bad words, it can ruin your career. Don’t forget to greet them, and give them spirit
- Good and Clear Communication Skills
Make sure your language, your diction, your vocabulary, are easily understandable. Don’t speak around the bus just to make them feel comfort. Don’t lose focus while talking with customer. If they contacted you by phone, it means they don’t have much time, use their time as efficient as you can and make sure you give them solution before they end the call.
- Self-Control
It is pretty sure that customer service officer get a demonic customer, at least once. Don’t panic, remember SOP that you have learnt before you put yourself in this industry. As a customer service, do not ever get angry to customer or your career will be directly abolished. Even to a demonic customer-customer who always angry from the beginning until the end of call-still you are not allowed to get angry.
- Responsibility
As a customer service, make sure you have provided solution before customer end their call. They call you because they have problem, and they hope by the time the ended the call, their problem solved.
- Patience
This is a must have skill that every customer service must have. Most of customers call you because they have problem, and sometimes they cannot deal with it. This is you, who care of their problem and will give them solution, and in this point, patience is a must. It is not surprised if you get a demonic customer, and in this situation, you need to increase your level of patience. Do not ever angry with any kind of people who talked to you during your duty as a customer service.
- Good Listener
A customer service must be able to listen very carefully to the customer. A good customer service understand when to talk, they know how to listen to customer, take only important issue from thousands words spoken by customer. As a customer service, you may not cut or interrupt customer, all you can do is wait them stop speaking and then your turn. You have to be trained if you get the customer who have different accent with you, or customers who’s their speaking you don’t understand. Good listener is also means you have to wait your customer to stop speaking, before you start to speak.
- Time Management
Don’t waste your time only in listening them to speak. You have many customers behind him waiting the turn to speak with you. Focus on a customers’ problem, take the important point, and give them the best solution that can be taken from this situation. But you cannot cut customers speaking because of the time limitation. Even you have to have a good time management, you still have duty in solving their problem. Once you gave him solution, you may ask him whether the conversation can be ended or not, and don’t forget to ask him whether they have another question.
- Knowledge
Customers think that you, the customer service, is the one who totally understand about the product. You might get an extraordinary question, even from your product. This is why the product knowledge is totally important to be mastered by customer service officer.
- Just Say Don’t Know
Here’s a way to camouflage your confuse about how to say you don’t know the product. Tell them that you will contact them soon after they got the best answer. It doesn’t mean you don’t know the answer, you just need to talk to your supervisor about the best solution that can be given to customers.
- Honour
Everybody will be honored if they are called with their name. As a customer service, don’t forget to call your customers’ name again and again during the call. Besides it will honor them, it will also get their attention to you and will them comfort.
Well we hope that customer service resume sample above can help you to apply the fitted position as Customer service.