Graduation Card Template and What to Write Inside It
Graduation is a special moment for everyone. It is an achievement of the long learning process, so it can be celebrated. Well, when you are invited to come to someone’s graduation celebration, giving a graduation card is a good idea. It is the reason why you need to know more about the graduation card template.
Yes, the graduation card can be the representative of your happiness seeing your friends graduate from their college. It will be very useful, especially when you cannot attend the celebration because of some different reasons.
Here, we will talk to you about the graduation card and its details matters. For those who are curious about it, please read the following writings below.
Why is Graduation Card Important?
Substantively, the graduation card is similar to the common greeting card. However, as its name, the graduation card has a different and more specific function.
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The graduation card can be a symbol of appreciation. By sending a graduation card to friends that celebrate their graduation, it means you feel the same happiness with them. Of course, it will strengthen the relationship between them.
On another hand, the graduation card can be a way to support your friends. That is why you may write some wise words inside the graduation card before sending it.
What to Write Inside A Graduation Card?
The graduation card can be a medium to spread and to write special messages for your friends. That is why knowing the things to be written inside the card is important.
Minimally, a graduation card should consist of some information, such as:
- Congratulate the detailed graduate as the shape of supporting for their hard work
- Stunning and inspiring advice or wise words from life experiences. It can be a message to be better in the future
- A joke when it is appropriate, especially when you want to send a graduation card for your best friends
- The personal message, such as the old memories with you –that can be used to strengthen the relationship
- More advice as to the reminder that the path of life is still long to be faced

Some points as above can be the reference for what you need to write inside the graduation card. However, you may search for some other samples to find a more complete message.
Tips to Make Graduation Card
Since a graduation card is an important thing to tone up the celebration, these are some tips that you need to know in making it. Substantively, the graduation card is an informal document. That is why you have more freedom in making it –except for the special case.
Choosing the right design is the first matter that you need to do. Here, try to find the stunning design of the graduation card, so the readers will be amazed when reading the message.
Then, the graduation card also should be handy. There is no formal standard of the graduation card size. However, you can choose the right size that will ease the reader read and save the graduation card.
Graduation Card Template PSD File
To ease you in making the best graduation card, we have several samples of the graduation card template on this page. All templates are free to download and it is available on the PSD file, so editing it will be easier.