3+ Women Day poster Templates Sample

International Women Day poster

International Women Day (IWD) celebrated worldwide every March 8. International Women Day poster used as an opportunity for women to gather to honor achievement in all aspects to achieve the primary mission to call for gender equality from all types of professions.

Make an Eye-catching posters design that will make International Women Day more special for women. International Women Day Poster templates are certainly more varied because women like the touch of a lively and cheerful design.

Womens Day Poster Template Sample

International Women Day Theme Poster Theme

Each year, the celebration of world women day does carry a different campaign theme according to the main focus. Do you want to know what ideas have carried out in the past five years? See this list! Choose templates that can increase your interest in reading the poster from a distance.

  1. 2016-Step It Up for Gender Equality

In 2016 the focus of the world began to emerge in sustainable development. In this issue, a series of temples will start to appear in sustainable development; of course, gender equality included.

Therefore, in the momentum of World Women Day, women strengthen each other’s determination to set joint targets. With the hope of 2030, the desired gender equality be achieved.

  1. 2017-Women in the Changing World of Work

Along with the times, also changes in the type of work. By utilizing sophisticated technology, abundant work opportunities are available to those who can access it. Even so, there are still illegal workers, and the injustice of the number of wages received. At the same time, 50 percent of the world’s women still trapped in the scenario of illegal workers and lower-class wages.

Based on these problems, finally, this theme was appointed. He hopes that this campaign will encourage global citizens to change their perspective and open up greater opportunities for women.

  1. 2018 – against gender-based violence

Commemoration of World International Women Day Postersis more than a celebration. Make this moment for change and support the struggle of women in the world. Because the independence of one woman means victory for other women.

  1. 2019-Balance for Better

Know equality for a better world. The balance in question is gender equality.

So far, equality has always been a women issue. But be aware that this is a business issue. There is hope for the government, an employee recruitment system, wealth, and equal sports coverage.

These small examples show that gender equality is essential to drive the economy; for example, employees want to be paid based on their ability and work performance, not because of their gender.

  1. 2020 – EachforEqual

The IWD 2020 campaign it self taken from the idea of ​​’Collective Individualism,’ which means that everyone is part of the whole.

Our actions, conversations, behavior, and mindset can impact the wider community. Together, each human being can help create a gender-equal world.

Womens Day Poster Template Ideas

The campaign theme International Women Day Poster activities strengthened throughout the year.

Sample Womens Day Poster Template

# File File size Downloads
1 Womens Day Poster Template Ideas 6 MB 281
2 Womens Day Poster Template Sample 461 KB 283
3 Sample Womens Day Poster Template 2 MB 280
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