The donation request letter is an important letter sent by the charity or the organization to the donors or prospects in order to collect the fund. It is common when the organization ask the donation since they have less funds in order to make an agenda or others.
This letter is a formal letter and it is legal. It means that getting funds using this letter is appropriate to do, since the charity or organization have less funds or materials. Well, this letter could be used to ask for funds and materials, as it is needed by the organization or charity.
How to Write the Donation Request Letter?
It is very important for you to know the ways to write this kind of letter. Yes, by getting this knowledge, of course writing the letter of donation request will be easier to do and the result of writing also will be better.
Something that you need to know, this letter includes in a formal letter. It means that to get the best result in making right donation request letter, of course you need to apply the formal writing style and words options. The formal style also indicates that you actually need hands to help.
Then, how to make this kind of letter with the right format?
- Write good introduction
For the first, in order to make a good letter of donation request, you need to make a good introduction. The introduction here should be personalized. It will be better when you directly stated the name of the donor that you are asking for help.
In making the introduction, you need to tell about who you are in detail. Then, tell more about the real condition about your organization or charity and the program or agenda that you want to held. It will be better if you also write about the importance of the agenda or program.
Something that you need to highlight here is you need to use the persuasive writing style. This style of writing will build better intention of the readers.
- Ask for donation
After the introduction, the way to make right donation request letter is asking for the donation. Here, you need to explain all you need, such as the funds or goods based on the program or agendas that you want to held.
In asking about the donation, do not forget to deliver an appreciation for the donor. Yes, you could say that the help will be very meaningful. Then, you also could pray for the donors that God will answer what they do with the better ways.
- Close the letter
In closing paragraph, it is nice when you say thanks and appreciate the donors once more. Then, make sure that you will be responsible with the funds or goods that are given to you. After it, close the letter with the sign of you completely by the full name.
Well, that is all about the donation request letter that you need to know. Something that you need to highlight is this letter includes in formal letter, so you need to be careful in making it. Do some researches in order to find the templates of it.