20+ Free Download Printable and Customizable Attendance Sheet

It is an important thing to have an attendance sheet with you whether you are a teacher or a teacher in a workshop. The needs to print the attendance sheet is due to keeping track of your audience data that probably in the future you might need it. Even, for a teacher, the attendance form is used to monitor the students’ behavior in the class.

What Are The Importance of Attendance Sheet?

Many schools, workshop, and other activities require us to print out the attendance for a certain purpose, which is as follow:

To Track The Personal Information

For a workshop, having an attendance list will help you to track the personal information when you need it in the future. Some people put details on the attendance list, for example, the basic information including phone number, email and the organization to help them track the data when it is required. You might need to do some follow up to your audience asking about the difficulties or maybe product you offer.

To Control Your Student’s Behaviour

School always requires the teacher to monitor their student’s attendance with the sheet. By this way, you can see your peers’ behavior in a certain time whether they attend your class on time or not. Maybe you find their score decreasing and you have no idea what to do with your kids, then you look at the record of the attendance list of your students and see whether they attend your class or not. If so, you can do follow up to them or their parents telling that this behavior affects their learning process.

For Giving A Reward

Some schools even use the attendance list as a way to decide who will get the reward. Giving away a certificate to students who have perfect attendance is a great way to encourage them attending your class.

Besides, for students who miss school too often, you can also give them a reward to encourage them doing their best in the class.

Knowing The Students’ Behavior

After knowing your students’ behavior, probably you want to speak to them privately. Sometimes there are some problems why they become so tardy. Especially for students in the college. Many students have trouble maintaining the college and life. It might be due to their part-time job, sickness, trouble or maybe you. You can speak to them openly and tell them why they don’t attend the class which this affects their learning and mastery.

For Checking the Employee’s performance

Besides in school, workshop and college, the attendance sheet is also used in some workplace. Most companies also use the attendance form with certain details so they can record their employee’s performance during the workday. This is important to see their loyalty to the company as well as to calculate their salary and promotion. You can collect this data as proof for a certain case for example for firing an employee or give them a promotion.

So, that’s all our brief insight about why you need the attendance list in your work field. This helps you a lot one day!


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# File File size Downloads
1 Attendance Sheet (1) 93 KB 439
2 Attendance Sheet (1) 29 KB 405
3 Attendance Sheet (2) 45 KB 346
4 Attendance Sheet (2) 33 KB 503
5 Attendance Sheet (3) 21 KB 355
6 Attendance Sheet (4) 17 KB 463
7 Attendance Sheet (5) 17 KB 312
8 Attendance Sheet (6) 29 KB 310
9 Attendance Sheet (7) 22 KB 319
10 Attendance Sheet (12) 38 KB 327
11 Attendance Sheet (13) 36 KB 315
12 Attendance Sheet (27) 27 KB 319
13 Attendance Sheet (28) 29 KB 314
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