3+ Golf Rack Card Templates Ideas

A Golf Rack Card Template

A golf rack card used for various purposes. Use this type of rack card to promote your golf tournament, golf course, or your mini-golf course. Golf is one type of sport that is in demand by the upper-middle class. This sport requires concentration, high accuracy, and strength. Golf did on a large grass field or in a narrow room or called mini golf.

Golf Rack Card Templates Ideas

A rack card is a document used as a promotional media at a lower cost than other promotional media. The standard size of a rack card is only 4 inches by 9 inches. You can create a golf rack card PSD design on one or both sides of the rack card. There are many examples of designs that you can use on the internet, or you can also buy designs that are already available with templates that customized according to your wishes and needs.

The information inside a Golf Rack Card

The information entered in the rack card adjusted to the intended use of the rack card. For example, in the golf rack card template PSD, some of the information contained in it is:

  1. To promote the tournament

Every sport will certainly be a tournament activity, including golf. The use of rack cards to promote this tournament must contain information regarding the time of the activity containing hours, days, and dates. Information about where the tournament will be held and registration fees. Also, contact information is added if someone wants to confirm registration or payment.

  1. To promote mini golf

If you want to promote a mini-golf place in a rack card. Of course, the information that should be on the rack card is detailed place information from the building name, street name, district to country. Next is contact information such as telephone numbers or e-mail. Don’t forget to include the list of rental prices on the rack card.

  1. To promote the golf course

The use of rack cards is for course promotion. Several institutions provide golf courses. The information contained in this rack card is usually the name of the course institution, a brief description of the institution, course fees, contact information, and location information. To make it more interesting, you can also add information about the benefits of taking courses such as transportation, service assistance, free golf player starter kits, free food and drinks, premium membership cards, or unlimited use of golf clubs.

Simple Design A Golf Rack Card

In making rack card designs for golf promotion, use a simple type of design. In this rack card, there must be photos or illustrations of people who are doing golf. Use two or three color combinations with green or blue tones and basic colors like black or white.

Choose a formal font type, an elegant design according to the target market is the upper-middle class. You can make variations in the size for this rack card, for example with a size of 3.5 x 8.5 cm or the other.

Sample Golf Rack Card Templates

After making a golf rack card, you can print and then spread it as a promotional media or spread it through social media.

Golf Rack Card Templates Design

# File File size Downloads
1 Golf Rack Card Templates Design 1 MB 248
2 Golf Rack Card Templates Ideas 2 MB 266
3 Sample Golf Rack Card Templates 2 MB 262
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