3+ Church Envelope Templates Ideas

Modern Layout For Church Envelope

Church envelopes different from other types. Usually, the envelope is only intended as a cover or container and contains other documents in the form of letters. But this is used in the church is usually to collect donations or as a container for people who want to tithe.

When you worship in church, other than activities such as praying and giving praise to God, usually, other events are giving alms or offerings to fellow human beings or the interests of the church itself. For that, you can use the church envelope template PSD.

Church Envelope Design Template

Information On Church Envelope

As administrative documents used in the church, the envelope section is slightly different. The information contained in this document in detail are:

  1. Church Identity

To distinguish materials from one place and another, it is necessary to include the name of the church. Besides that, the new identity is the address and contact of the church where you want to donate.

  1. Identity

After the name of the church information, other information is the identity of the donor, namely in the form of a name or added to a short name or nickname.

  1. Address

Then the giver’s address information. This address is written in detail, starting from the street name, house number, district, city, city to zip code.

  1. Contact

The contact information listed in the church envelope. This information includes a telephone number and e-mail.

  1. Date

The timestamp in the envelope used to mark and separate every week and every month and even year. It makes it easy for church officials to do the recapitulation.

  1. Tithe

The amount of money that you want to donate for zakat included in this column.

  1. Offering

The amount of money that you want to donate to offerings listed in this column.

  1. Other

As for others, is the amount of money you want to contribute to other interests in church management.

  1. Total

Of the three, namely tithe, offering, and other totals to find out the total amount of money you will donate.

  1. Method Of Payment

Several envelopes also provide payment columns. Because of an increasingly advanced era and technological sophistication, the church required to develop. There are several payment methods, namely payment in cash, using a check or credit card. Of course, to provide a refund in other forms, the church must also add information such as account numbers and requirements.

  1. Quote Letter

In some envelopes, verse quotations added to provide calm and enthusiasm in spreading kindness to others.

  1. Signature

The last is the signature column. It is to ensure that the giver has agreed with the nominal that they will donate.

Creative Church Envelope PSD Design Ideas

The world continues to move along with the development of technology, and information makes all aspects of life must also develop. No exception in the church, one of which is the presentation church envelope. Now, the design and type of envelopes are very diverse. Starting from the colors, logos, maps, and content that is in it. This type of envelope is even distinguished for adults and children who want to donate. Of course, the design aimed at children is more colorful with funny characters so that they are interested and more enthusiastic about giving.

Church Envelope Design Ideas

Now do not have to worry anymore that negligent parties misuse the money you donated because it exists church envelope.

PSD Church Envelope Template

# File File size Downloads
1 Church Envelope Design Ideas 4 MB 271
2 Church Envelope Design Template 6 MB 316
3 PSD Church Envelope Template 3 MB 257
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