3+ School Ticket template example

How to Make a School Ticket with Editable Templates

If you are a teacher, headmaster, or staff of a school, you may often find that your school holds an event. If it is a big event, you will need to make a school ticket to invite students, parents, or other people to attend the event. We will help you with the following customizable templates.

PSD Template For School Ticket

What to Include in a School Ticket

With our school ticket PSD; your task will be much easier. This kind of ticket usually starts with the name of your school. Do not forget to add its logo if any. In fact, the logo will create a professional look. Under your school’s name should be the name of the event. For example, it says “Science Fair 2020”.

Then, what you will have to include is the date and time of the event. It must be clear and specified. For example, the science fair is going to be held on Saturday, October 31st 2020 at 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Next, what you need to add is the location where the event will take place.

Every ticket must have the ticket number. So, make sure that you provide the ticket number on each ticket. To make it more attractive, it is also a good idea to state the one who is going to appear on the stage. It is also important to provide the contact details in the school ticket PSD template.

Tips in Designing a School Ticket

A school ticket must be designed as attractive as possible so that it can impress people. To make your ticket attractive, there are some things to consider when designing it. The first thing to plan is the background. It should be matched with the theme of the event.

Besides that, your ticket will also be more attractive if you add an image. Make sure that the image is relevant to the event your school will organize. One more, you must also select the font type and size to be used in the PSD school ticket template. In fact, there are so many font sizes and types available.

School Ticket Template Samples and Designs

This article contains a collection of ticket templates that come with different layouts and designs. Based on the event, there are school science fair tickets, school graduation tickets, and school book fair tickets, school opening tickets, school anniversary party tickets, school BBQ party tickets, and many more.

School Ticket Template Example

Based on the design, the examples of PSD school tickets are such as simple school event tickets, elegant school tickets, vintage-themed school tickets, colorful school kid’s tickets, etc. Because there are so many templates available, you have to be careful in choosing the most proper template for your needs.

How to Use School Ticket Templates

With our customizable templates, creating a school ticket will be much easier. You can save a lot of time and money because they are downloadable, editable, and printable. You are allowed to change colors, edit texts, and even add images to fit your needs.

School Ticket Template Design

# File File size Downloads
1 PSD Template For School Ticket 3 MB 268
2 School Ticket Template Example 1 MB 267
3 School Ticket Template Design 10 MB 259
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