We all know that the teeth growth vary which means as a parent we have to be careful and cautious. This growth varies from shape size and also location. In this case, its growth also gives form and shape to the face feature which sometimes it comes to be overbite when parents don’t pay attention to the kids’ behavior that leads them to have bad teeth. In this case, we need the teeth chart as a warning!
When you see the teeth growth from the chart, you will notice that at the age of 6 months, the teeth begin growing braking through the gum. The following is some facts about teeth eruption you might need to know:
- At least there will be 4 teeth erupt to every 6 months.
- Usually, girls precede the teeth growing.
- The lower teeth will grow before the upper teeth.
- For the teeth in jaws, they will erupt firs which one will be on the left and the other one on the right.
- Usually, the primary teeth often grow with whiter color compared to the permanent ones.
- When the age of the teeth appears at the age of 2-3 years, all the primary teeth will have erupted.
Why Do We Need To Take Care of Baby Teeth?
Even though we know that the primary teeth are temporary, these play a vital role in the next permanent one. The following are what we need to concern:
- To provide a space for the permanent teeth
- To prevent abnormal face appearance
- The development of speech ability
- To help kids absorb more nutrition. Decayed teeth will prevent the kids to absorb good nutrition.
- Taking care of the primary teeth means a good start for the permanent ones.
Due to its importance, using the teeth chart is important so we could make sure which kind of teeth are growing to every 6 months so we could do some prevention.
How To Use The Baby Teeth Chart?
Many parents neglect to learn the teeth chart. In fact, it is highly recommended because this will help parents to decide the serious problem for both temporary or permanent teeth.
The babies often show different behavior when the teeth starting growing. This begins with the abnormally fussy, feverish and eating habits. When you see some abnormal behavior from your babies, probably you need to look at your teeth chart that you might miss out that he teeth start growing.
Besides, your baby might also have a runny nose, diarrhea, and even swollen gums. In this case, one of the important thing you should do is giving your baby the chewing toy or teething ring to help him/her feel more comfortable. Or, you can give your baby a message on the gum using a clean finger and let your baby bite the finger slowly to give some relief.
Besides looking at the teeth chart, you have to make sure to keep the food free sweeteners so they will not have broken teeth that will disturb their eating activity.