3+ Hotel Rack Card Templates Ideas

The Important Things to Include in An Eye-Catching Hotel Rack Card

To raise business income, you need to be able to use several great marketing strategies that could help to raise the company’s income. Professional businesses, like hotel agency, will be able to choose the best strategy in which one of them is through the hotel rack card. It contains two to three pages where you can provide the hotel’s information to many people.

Hotel Rack Card Design PSD

Not only contain important information, but the hotel rack card template also provides great shots of the hotel’s rooms including the facilities and services. In other words, the rack card will play as a promotional tool to attract people’s interest to stay in your hotel. If you are interested to create one, make sure you highlight some important things below. Read further to get to know more about them.


6 Things to Highlight in a Hotel Rack Card

Here are the six things you need to highlight in a hotel rack card. If you can include these things, then you can create such a rightful hotel rack card.

  1. Title

On the first page, you need to put the title as clear as possible. Apparently, you will use the name of the hotel as the title of the hotel rack card PSD template. Make sure you choose the best font and matched color so it will be an aesthetically readable title.

  1. Attractive opening

Then, after the title, you may provide a catchy phrase to put under the title along with the hotel’s best shot underneath it. Attaching a picture on the first page of the hotel rack card will be a great strategy for a picture that is worth to catch people’s attention.

  1. Address and contact person

Below the first page of the hotel rack card template design, ensure you provide one more essentials information which is the contact person for the reservation. not only a phone number, but you may also add other features such as email or official social media.

  1. Hotel description

Next, you may go to the second page. On this page, you will have more detailed information. If on the first page you only provide a short catchy phrase, then on this page, you may create a short paragraph describing what makes your hotel different than others.

  1. Facilities and services

To convince people, don’t hesitate to highlight the hotel’s best services and facilities. You need to show to people what kinds of advantages they will get if they choose to stay in your hotel.

  1. Location’s map

Last but not least is the location’s map. To make the hotel rack card PSD design looked more professional, it is better to visualize the location by attaching the picture of the map. Thus, the exact place of the hotel will be known by many people.

Hotel Rack Card Design Ideas

Those are the six important things you should include in the hotel rack card. If this is your first time to create one, then it is highly recommended to download the free hotel rack card template to ease you designing the card.

Hotel Rack Card Design Template

# File File size Downloads
1 Hotel Rack Card Design Ideas 2 MB 235
2 Hotel Rack Card Design PSD 1 MB 255
3 Hotel Rack Card Design Template 2 MB 252
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