3+ Gaming Event Ticket template ideas

How to Make Gaming Event Ticket for the Best Invitation Ever

Are you going to hold gaming event sometime soon? No matter how the event is going to be like, it would be useless if the invitation is not attractive enough. Your gaming event ticket should be made as clear and attractive as possible. Speaking about the design, you can always leave it to templates.

Gaming Ticket Template Design

They are ready made for the needed occasions. Made amazingly, many gamers would be interested to come and participate in. Your concern should be what must be written in the ticket. After all, this ticket may serve as an invitation too.

Step #1 – The Big Title of the Ticket

There will always be big title in every document such as this. Gaming ticket can’t go without one. Now, what to write for it? Since you are planning on making event, the best title would be the name of the event. For example, you may write “International Gaming Tournament” for the event tickets.

Make the size as big as what you often see from gaming event ticket font psd. It should be clear enough for everyone to see. As for the color, you may make it colorful. Gaming event is just like that after all, being full of colors that is.

Step #2 – The Address of the Event

Since you will be holding an event, there should be somewhere it would take place, right? Of course, your gaming event ticket content psd should have such information in. Otherwise, where your guests would go to then? Make sure to make the address clear so as to avoid any misunderstanding.

Put it below the big title, but make sure to make it smaller in size. After all, the title should remain the highlight of the gaming ticket template psd. It is fine to go with the same color as the title font though, as long as it is not yet used.

Step #3 – The Event Date and Time

Besides the address, don’t forget to put the date and time in. Such event doesn’t happen anytime of the year. So, let’s be more specific here. Gaming ticket date and time psd shouldn’t be written wrong. It is if you want all the guests to come at the right time and date to participate in your event.

Gaming Ticket Template Ideas

Let’s make the size in between the size of the title and the address then. It is more important to know the date first than anything. The rest follows after that. For this information however, do use different colors to make them pop.

Step #4 – The Admit One to Add In

When it comes to tickets, any kind of it would need you to type “Admit One”. This phrase means “Let In” here. The ticket will be your pass to come in. Without one, you can’t expect such thing. The event holder may also use it to manage the guests as well so that only the invited ones could be in.

PSD Template For Gaming Ticket

One ticket is for one person. If you don’t manage the guests like this, can you guarantee the place would suffice? It will be all the more reason for you if you plan on holding tournament. So, get your gaming event ticket made properly.


# File File size Downloads
1 PSD Template For Gaming Ticket 17 MB 275
2 Gaming Ticket Template Design 3 MB 230
3 Gaming Ticket Template Ideas 5 MB 238
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