Eviction notice will be issued by the landlord due to several reasons. For example, issuing the eviction notice because the tenant failed to comply a payment. Usually, the most common notice are including:
- 3 days to vacate or complete the payment
- 10 days to vacate completely the rental agreement
- 20 Days of termination and so on.
So, if you are a landlord, then having the eviction notice template is needed to give a professional notice for the tenants that they should comply their compulsory of payments or something related to the agreement.
How To Issue An Eviction Notice?
There are several types of eviction notice you have to do, which are as follow:
- Releasing the letter using the eviction notice template to your tenants.
- Give the space for the tenants to talk with you as the landlord.
- The tenant will receive the eviction letter from a court.
- Then, the tenant should answer the eviction letter.
- The last is the eviction hearing.
Those procedures seem to be tricky, but this is the legal way to give a lesson to the tenants that things should be done right away, properly and on time. The following is the explanation:
Issuing Eviction Notice
The reason for giving the eviction notice is none that the clients or the tenants just break the nature which they failed to comply with the agreement. The landlords should make sure that they should not discriminate the clients based on gender, social status, and races.
Tenants Discuss with The Landlord
The discussion can be a way of mediation that they will comply the compulsory in certain of times. This is also done to mend the error between the landlord and the tenants. Also, keep in mind that the discussion should be put in the written agreement to tie the tenant that they will comply it and will not do broke the promises. It should be signed by both parties as well as a sign that they agree with the new agreement.
Receiving Paper from the Court
Normally, a landlord will file a lawsuit to the court to evict the tenant. In this case, the tenants can decide to fight back. Once the tenants lose the lawsuit, this will end to the difficulties to find out another rental house in the future.
Answering the Eviction Case
In the eviction notice, the tenant should appear in the court in the date stated or the tenant can answer the lawsuit by a call, letter or come in person.
The Eviction Hearing
In this case, the tenant can tell the story by her/himself about the possession case and they can use the help of a witness from a person. If the tenant wins the case, the landlord will get 5 days to appeal the decision as well as the tenant who loses will have five days to move out but it depends on the laws applied in states or countries.
That’s all our quick information about why you should get the eviction notice template as a landlord which one day this helps you a lot on handling the lazy and ignorant tenant.