Knowing About Education ID Card
Formal education activities are educational activities found in schools. Formal education is obtained systematically, regularly, stratified, and follows clear rules and conditions. As a legal educational institution, schools in regions, Indonesia, were born and developed effectively and efficiently from the community, by the city, and for the community. Schools have an obligation to provide services to the younger generation in educating citizens who are guided by applicable laws.
You, as an educator or teaching staff at an educational institution in a school, certainly have an onerous obligation to carry out the process of delivering information to the younger generation. Of course, if you teach at a school, you have an education ID card. Besides that, students who are in school also have an education id card. This ID card widely use in the education environment for an identity for an institution, members, and employees involved.
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You can see various shapes and patterns on a school ID card template. You can create a school ID card template quickly using several graphic design applications (for example, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Corel Draw, and other visual editor applications).
The use of education ID card
Now you understand the importance of using an education ID card for teaching staff and students. Well, here are some other advantages of using education id cards. Let us see together.
The benefits of education ID cards for teaching staff
- Teaching staff have a neat and formal impression when in the school environment
- When students meet the teacher, students will see teachers who look neat.
- Students have no difficulty in getting to know the teachers who are in charge of a particular subject.
- Students quickly ask for help from teachers when learning activities experience obstacles.
- Use to record attendance at school.
The benefits of education ID cards for student
- NISN cards (National Student Identity Number) have vital functions in recent years. NISN cards are handy for student transfer, school transfer, registration to a higher level and all activities related to service.
- Use by students to register and participate in art competitions and events held by schools or other institutions outside the school as attachment material.
- Education ID cardscan also use to register several activities held by the school, such as extracurricular activities, class competitions, and other activities.
- Use in emergencies or unwanted events. For example, if something happens to students using education id cards, it can easily recognize children. Thus the teaching staff can give first aid. Because on the student card, there is a school address and home address on the map.
- Use as a discount at some food places. Because many students often look for a place to eat to find food or just rest. Well, with a student card, students will easily enjoy discounts on food purchases.
Well, that was some information related to the use of education ID cards. It may be useful.